DicomObjects.NET8 Documentation
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    Release Notes
    In This Topic

    This new version of DicomObjects.NET8 is based mainly on DicomObjects.Core 5 version with the only exception of the DicomViewer control missing due to lack of platform support in .NET core. Key features included in DicomObjects.Core version include:

     RESTful DICOM support
    This RESTful DICOM features can be found under DicomWeb namespace. It allows users to easily create their own DICOM Web client as well as self-hosted server applications.
     Video support using Latest FFmpeg

    Starting with version 8 we have added video support with the help of FFmpeg, a well established video Codec, for handling all sorts of popular video formats. This allows importing of supported video formats, embedding them into DICOM and exporting them using the appropriate transfer syntax.

    FFmpeg is licensed under the GNU Lesser Public license(LGPL). We comply with the rules as stated in FFmpeg's licensing terms (https://www.ffmpeg.org/legal.html) for using this open-source Codec in our product and would urge our users to be aware of the legal responsibilities of using it.  For development status on this feature please check our webpage http://www.medicalconnections.co.uk/kb/Video_support_with_FFmpeg

    After recent discover of several vulnerabilities found in older versions of FFMPEG, DicomObjects.Core and DicomObjects.NET version have been upgraded to the latest Windows build of FFMPEG for better security.

     DicomLicencere API remain consistent with .NET version of DicomObjects
    Licensing is another topic that we have tried to be consistent with. All licensing models are supported and are identical to our .NET and COM versions, and easily accessible from DicomLicence.ActivateOnline/Offline() methods.

    There have been many internal code changes that are related to code normalization, efficiency and readability and some of them affect deep rooted routines like handling sequences, writing to disk, network transmission, etc. Most of these don't directly affect our API but some changes were unavoidable. If you have any problems with this version please contact us our Support Team.